Base64url Encoder

You can easily encode the Base64url

max 20MB

If your input is hexstring, you can select this to convert your hexstring to binary before encoding.
Note: hexstring must have an even length
Note: Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces.
If the original content you've entered is not utf-8, your browser will automatically convert it to utf-8. If you choose the original encoding from here, we'll convert it before encoding.

What is Base64url Encoding?

Base64url is a variant of the Base64 encoding designed to adapt the original Base64 for safe use in URLs and filenames. Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. It is commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data, especially when that data needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. This encoding helps to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport.

The Need for Base64url

The standard Base64 encoding includes characters that have special meanings in URLs and file systems, such as '+', '/', and '='. These characters can cause issues because:

  • The '+' character is interpreted as a space in URLs.
  • The '/' character is used as a path separator in file systems and URLs.
  • The '=' character is used as a padding character in Base64 encoding but can be problematic in URLs where it's often used to assign values to parameters.

To overcome these issues, Base64url was introduced. It modifies the Base64 encoding in a way that makes it safe for use in URLs and filenames, ensuring that encoded data can be transmitted without alteration.

How Base64url Works

Base64url follows the same principle as Base64 encoding but with a few key differences in the characters used:

  • The '+' character is replaced with '-', which is safe for use in URLs and filenames.
  • The '/' character is replaced with '_', again ensuring safety in URLs and filenames.
  • Padding with '=' characters is typically omitted in Base64url, as it's not necessary for decoding (though it might still be used in some implementations).

This simple substitution and omission make Base64url encoded data safe for use in environments that might otherwise interpret Base64 encoded data incorrectly.

Applications of Base64url

Base64url encoding is widely used in web development and software applications. Some common use cases include:

  • Encoding binary data in URL parameters.
  • Safely embedding binary data in JSON and XML data structures.
  • Representing complex data in a form that can be safely included in filenames without risking errors or ambiguities.
  • Encoding data in web tokens, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), where compactness and URL safety are required.


Base64url provides a critical adaptation of the Base64 encoding scheme, making it suitable for web and file system environments. By replacing problematic characters and omitting padding, Base64url ensures that encoded data can be transmitted and stored safely across a variety of contexts. Its simplicity and effectiveness make it an essential tool in the toolbox of developers working with web technologies and data encoding.