Bitcoin address test tool
This tool explains step by step how to create a Bitcoin address
Bitcoin address validator
This tool checks if a Bitcoin address is valid
Ethereum address test tool
This tool explains step by step how to create an Ethereum address
Ethereum address validator
This tool checks if an Ethereum address is valid
Binance Smart Chain address validator
This tool checks if a Binance Smart Chain address is valid
Image Metadata Remover
Deletes the hidden information stored in the photos and images
Favicon Geneator
This tool effortlessly transforms any uploaded image into favicons, app icons, and icons in 18 various sizes. It also offers an option to automatically remove all white spaces surrounding an image and can make the background transparent, with all processes being fully automatic
White Space Remover
With this tool you can crop all white areas around any image or photo
JSON Minifier
With this tool you can minify your JSON codes
JSON Beautifier
With this tool you can beautify your JSON codes
JSON Web Token Encoder
With this tool, you can easily encode JWT online
JSON Web Token Decoder
With this tool, you can easily decode JWT online. Also, if you have the key, it tries to verify the signature
HTML Beautifier
With this tool you can easly beautify your HTML codes
HTML Fixer
With this tool you can easly fix your HTML codes
HTML Encoder
Online html encoding tool
HTML Decoder
Online html decoding tool
URL Parser
This tool parses a url into its parts. It also decodes the decodable(base64 or base64url) parts
URL Encoder
Online url encoding tool
URL Decoder
Online url decoding tool
JSON to XML Converter
Online json to xml convert tool
XML to JSON Converter
Online xml to json convert tool
Base64 Encoder
With this tool you can easily encode any text or file with base64
Base64url Encoder
With this tool you can easily encode any text or file with base64url
Base58 Encoder
With this tool you can easily encode any text or file with base58
Base32 Encoder
With this tool you can easily encode any text or file with base32
Base85 Encoder
With this tool you can easily encode any text or file with base85
Base64 Decoder
With this tool you can convert data encoded using the Base64 encoding scheme to its original format
Base64url Decoder
With this tool you can convert data encoded using the Base64url encoding scheme to its original format
Base58 Decoder
With this tool you can convert data encoded using the Base58 encoding scheme to its original format
Base32 Decoder
With this tool you can convert data encoded using the Base32 encoding scheme to its original format
Base85 Decoder
With this tool you can convert data encoded using the Base85 encoding scheme to its original format
Random password generator
With this tool you can generate very safe passwords with high entropy
Bcrypt password generator
With this tool you can calculate the Bcrypt hash of your password up to 10 rounds
PostgreSQL password generator
With this tool you can calculate the md5 hash of the PostgreSQL password and see the SQL and Console commands needed to easily change your PostgreSQL password
MariaDB password generator
With this tool you can calculate the sha1 hash of the MariaDB password and see the SQL commands needed to easily change your MariaDB password
MySQL password generator
With this tool you can calculate the sha1 hash of the MySQL password and see the SQL commands needed to easily change your MySQL password

Introducing RFC TOOLS: Your Comprehensive Digital Tool Suite

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for efficiency and success. Whether you're a developer, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, or just someone who needs to handle a variety of digital tasks, RFC TOOLS offers a suite of powerful, user-friendly tools designed to meet a wide array of needs. Here, we present an in-depth look at RFC TOOLS’s main categories and the individual tools within each category.

1. Cryptocurrency Tools

Bitcoin Address Test Tool: This interactive guide walks you through the process of creating a Bitcoin address, explaining each step to ensure you understand the mechanisms behind Bitcoin transactions.

Bitcoin Address Validator: Quickly verify the validity of any Bitcoin address. This tool checks the address against the standard checksum procedures, ensuring its authenticity and functionality. Supports various formats including Bech32, Segwit, and Taproot.

Ethereum Address Test Tool: Similar to its Bitcoin counterpart, this tool offers a step-by-step guide on creating an Ethereum address, from the basics of Ethereum to advanced concepts like smart contracts.

Ethereum Address Validator: Validate Ethereum addresses with precision, checking for common errors and ensuring compliance with the Ethereum address format, including both wallet and contract addresses.

Binance Smart Chain Address Validator: Specifically designed for BSC addresses, this tool verifies the validity of addresses on the Binance Smart Chain, essential for users interacting with BSC's blockchain.

2. Image Tools

Image Metadata Remover: Remove potentially sensitive metadata from images with this tool, ensuring privacy and security before you share or publish your photos online.

Favicon Generator: Convert any uploaded image into a range of favicon sizes suitable for various platforms, with options to adjust transparency and remove white spaces automatically.

White Space Remover: This simple, effective tool crops unwanted white spaces around images, perfect for improving the aesthetics of web pages or product listings.

3. JSON Tools

JSON Minifier: Optimize your JSON data with this tool by minimizing its size without losing any information, ideal for improving load times and reducing data usage.

JSON Beautifier: Reformat compressed or minified JSON into a more readable structure, making it easier to understand and edit.

JSON Web Token Encoder/Decoder: Encode or decode JWTs securely online, with additional functionality to verify the signature if the key is provided.

4. HTML Tools

HTML Beautifier: Beautify your HTML code instantly, improving readability and maintainability with well-structured code outputs.

HTML Fixer: Quickly identify and fix errors in your HTML code, ensuring your web pages are error-free and run smoothly.

HTML Encoder/Decoder: Convert characters to HTML entities or decode them, useful for embedding data within HTML pages safely.

5. URL Tools

URL Parser: Break down URLs into their component parts to better understand and manipulate links. It also decodes any encoded segments automatically.

URL Encoder/Decoder: Encode or decode URLs to ensure they are correctly formatted for web use, preventing errors in web applications.

6. Conversion Tools

JSON to XML Converter: Seamlessly convert JSON data into XML format, and vice versa, facilitating easy data interchange between these popular formats.

7. Encoding and Decoding Tools

From Base64 to Base85, our tools offer robust encoding and decoding capabilities, catering to various technical needs across different systems and protocols.

8. Password Tools

Random Password Generator: Create strong, secure passwords with high entropy to ensure maximum security for your digital accounts.

Bcrypt Password Generator: Generate bcrypt hashes for your passwords, offering enhanced security by utilizing bcrypt's adaptive function.

Database-Specific Password Tools: Whether it’s PostgreSQL, MariaDB, or MySQL, generate and manage database passwords with ease, viewing necessary SQL commands to implement changes.


RFC TOOLS stands as a comprehensive suite of digital tools that cater to a diverse range of needs, from web development and image handling to intricate cryptocurrency transactions and data encoding/decoding. With a focus on ease of use, reliability, and security, RFC TOOLS is your go-to resource for navigating the complexities of the digital world. Whether you're enhancing your development workflow or managing your digital assets, RFC TOOLS provides the tools you need to succeed.